How quick has this month flown by?! That magical time of the month has arrived yet again. The time we finally get to share with you all the goodies we shipped out in this months jewellery club packages! So, the theme for this month was of course Cactus's! If you know me you'll know I am pretty obsessive over cacti's so this was a very exciting theme for me.
As well as a wonderful theme we also made a few changes this month to our jewellery club. One of the biggest changes was pricing. Instead of our monthly charge of £19 we have reduced our prices to just £12 making it more affordable - a guilt free treat! As well as the change in pricing we also decided to focus our club more to include at least 75% jewellery. So hence forth all packages will feature:
-1 x Handcrafted Limited Edition Necklace
-2 x Handcrafted Limited Edition Earrings
-1-2 Other mystery items. These could include a brooch, a ring or even a stationery item.
And finally the last change we made was to make our monthly club a little more special. My first thought was adorable packaging as I am a total sucker for cute packaging. I manged to source these amazing pastel coloured branded jewellery boxes. How sweet are these! Whats more they are perfect for putting away for birthdays or Christmas too!
So let's take a look at what was included this month...
How pretty are all of those pastels?!?
In this package you will find:
-Long Chain Illustrated Terrarium Necklace (RRP £15)
-Potted Cactus Stud Earrings (RRP £6)
-Statement Tassel Cactus Earrings (RRP £7)
-Terrarium Illustrated Brooch (RRP £6)
-Set of 45 Cactus Rockin Claws Nail Transfers (RRP £5)
-A sprinkle of magic

I think my favourite from this month has to be the adorable cactus tassel earrings. I'm so happy with how it all came together and looked in the end. We had a few hiccups with suppliers and earring backs (!) along the way but we managed to get it all sorted.
If you like the look of this month you can order it right here.
Couple of things before I go! Don't forget we are holding one of our legendary flash sales tomorrow evening over on our Facebook page. This one will be taking place from 7-9pm. As usual we will have magical discounts, bargains on our bestsellers and of course some freebies too! Make sure your there! Set your alarms now or join our facebook event for a reminder!
And finally next months theme will be revealed on Saturday!! (EEEP!) (It's a good un!) and will be on sale from Monday the 1st at 9am over at so set your reminders NOW!
See you on Friday!