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An EPIC update....

Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Ahhhh the joy's of pregnancy..... As you may have noticed I haven't been around much over the past few days.... This is due to me being in god damn pain! They say in pregnancy you have a gorgeous glow.... I'm on my third ikkle baby and am yet to experience this!  This particular pregnancy is by far the hardest. Iv'e had every symptom known to man.  I currently have SPD which is hell. It basically makes it really hard to walk, lay down, get up, basic day to day tasks really... But as you may of heard I recently had a tumble down the stairs on Friday which has left me now unable to walk.... YAY! (Where is my pregnancy glow god damn it??!?!??!?)  I have been stuck in bed/sofa since then so my beloved Pirate Steve has taken it upon himself to look after HOW whilst i'm on the mend.... Awww isn't he sweet????

Although I am now unable to move I still have been up to a few bits.... (in between regular rests) Here is just a snippet of what's been going on....
Ha ha! You thought you could stop me pregnancy! :D :D :D 

Above are some of the gorgeous bits I have been working on.  Some of these will be available shortly as a pattern, some in our House Of Wonderland store and a few went up in our crochet and knitting store today..... :O :O :O Quick! Go have a look....

I have also made up a few of our brand new limited edition boxes of happy things....
pretty awesome right??? You can find these in our other Etsy store right here....

So that's it from me for now. I'm off to book some physiotherapy and leave you in the hands of Steve the Pirate for the week.  Go easy on him little Wonderlanders ;)

Tess  x
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