It’s once again the time of year when the dead are said to
roam the earth, given free reign for one night of the world of the living. The
ancient feast of All Souls bids farewell to summer, and in other countries they
see it as ritual to remember and mourn people who have passed, taking flowers
and family photographs to the graves of loved ones long gone.
As a team who grew up in the UK, however, the staff at HOW
will always associate Halloween with the warm tallow smell, unlike any other as
a tea light flickers behind the eyes, nose and chiseled mouth of a pumpkin
lantern. There Jack-O-Lanterns are at once cosy and sinister, welcoming us home
with their bright contorted faces.
The team at HOW are looking forward to carving their own pumpkins,
the long labour of removing the pulp and pip therapeutic in its repetitiveness.
Tessa, who runs HOW is the artist among us, and doubtless her pumpkin will be
more intricate and beautiful than those of the rest of the team, but even the
most clumsily carved pumpkin has an innocent charm, which captures the
childlike mischievous spirit of this night of ghosts, ghouls and vampires.
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